Markdown or HTML to Google Docs
This section explains how to convert a single Markdown or HTML text into Google Docs format or bulk convert more than one Markdown or HTML tect into Google Docs format.
Converting a Single Markdown or HTML text into Google Docs
Open the Google Docs
Launch the Docs to Markdown Pro add on using the Extensions -> Docs to Markdown Pro -> Convert Markdown or HTML to Docs option
The Docs to Markdown Dialog will be displayed
Paste your Markdown or HTML text in the input box
Select the option Insert at the end of the current document if you want to insert the Markdown into the current document. Else, Create a new document to create a new Google Docs with the Markdown or the HTML text.
Click on the Convert option
The Markdown or HTML will be converted into Google Docs accordingly.
Bulk Converting Markdown or HTML into Google Docs
Launch the Docs to Markdown Pro add on using the Extensions -> Docs to Markdown Pro -> Bulk convert Markdown or HTML to Docs option
The Docs to Markdown sidebar will be displayed
Click on the Create Template option. The necessary columns headers will be created in the current sheet
Enter the input in the appropriate columns
Click on the Bulk convert option
The input will be converted into the Google Docs and the output URLs will be added in the sheets.
The Status column will be updated accordingly. If the conversion was successful, the status will be set to "Converted", Else it will be set to "Conversion Error".
Note: When bulk converting, the rows with the status value "Converted" will not be considered for conversion. Only the blank status and any other value will be considered for conversion.